Nothing, nothing could possibly be more stupid and embarrasing than this. But since" i" started this crappy idea with a homepage while refusing the detestable facebook,

i figure i go all in with skämskudde (the cushion of shame) and a really narrow mind.

My only comfort is that NO one will ever watch  this.

More Bass Anyone?

nadjalin guitars custom fretless 8 string

tuned one octave below regular low E. 

hm, oh. well, if i just take that red one and maybe connect it to a…maybe red or… yes, that other one behind,  is it green, no, yes white oh,  hm.. well, or… anyone?

my beloved 100 year old harmonium. i owned it for the past  30 years.

maybe a boring picture of a boring item, but i have to praise this fantastic guitar!

Godin "radiator". my main guitar for the last 20 years. you can still find them for about no money at all.

just buy one!

32" east german marching bass drum.

sounds like crap.

some of my non matching drums. sounds fantastic!

b.c. rich mockingbird us. with

bigsby & lundgren p-90´s

and an almost matching -79 b.c. rich eagle fretless bass. why i always get the chicks!? well how many buttons/controllers do YOU have on your non b.c. rich bass guitar?

epiphone firebird with bigsby

don´t call us, just  drop us a fax. sincerely simon & mathias

oh, and maybe this japan- precision

with kahler tremolo

except these twins

my only fretted bass.

fender precision -81 japan

nadjalin guitars custom fretless 6 string.

perhaps the best bass guitar ever made.

part of studio "No Klang".

the deacon. never leave home without it.

oh, hopefully my guitar parts soon will be in pitch.

but still, the bass won´t…

the wooden synth

the infamous theremin

raggarbasen. no name p-bass.

not even made of wood, but glue and cardboard. still main bass on

all my albums, except "brains"

not too bad custom built guitar. One of a kind.

since i have nothing better to do, i now own the world´s lowest

tuned string instrument. Custom built by luthier peter arnildstam

at Vapula Guitars The best builder in the

business! Oh the hertz you wonder? Depends. I use to tune it to B at 15Hz, but i can take it down to a low G. But then it starts to sound "floppy".

Clash of the Titans.... Since i´m a left winger my self, obviously the right one won.

the best rick so far!

Unfortunately i can´t keep this since i bought it to salute my best friend...

Evertune, True Temperament and

Prs pup´s. god damn!

Many Stuffs...

The FireMaster